
The Republic of Ireland

Ireland is one of the British Isles and lies in the Atlantic Ocean to the west of Great Britain. The greater part of Ireland is occupied by the Central Plain. The highest mountains are Macgillicuddy’s Reeks (Carrantuohill, 1 041 m) in the south-west and the Wicklow Mountains in the east.
    The main river of Ireland is the Shannon, which is an important source of hydroelectric power. Other rivers are e.g. the Boyne, the Barrow and the Suir. Irish lakes are called loughs - there are Lough Corrib, Lough Mask and Lough Conn.  

The climate is typically insular  , mild and wet, similar to that of UK. But Ireland is more      exposed   to the influence 3 of the Atlantic Ocean and warm Gulf Stream. Frequent rains most of the island earned 4 about beautiful green - consequently 5 Ireland is called ‘the Emerald isle’.  

Political system
The head of this state is the President, elected by vote of the people every 7 years. The legislature is two chambers 6 The National Parliament - Oireachtas 7 - consist of two Houses. The executive is headed by the Prime Minister (the Taoiseach 8) and follows the British pattern. The Republic of Ireland is divided in 4 provinces and 26 counties.
    The Republic of Ireland is bilingual 9 state - it means that the first official language is Irish (Gaelic) and the second one is English. Irish was in common use till the 17th century but than the country was anglicised by force. The Irish language is used for names of institutions (for example - the Republic of Ireland = Poblacht na hÉireann), political parties (Ourselves Alone - Sinn Féin) and geographical names (Ireland = Érie). English is spoken as a first (or mother) language by a majority of population, but there are some characteristic features 10 of the Irish accent.


- situated on the South Hemisphere, between the Indian and Pacific Oceans
- there is the Tasmanian Sea in the east and Tasmania in the south
- between Australia and New Zealand is the Tasmanian Sea
- Australia is an island continent
- the mountains are in the middle and in the east.
    - the highest mountains are The Australian Alps (east), the highest peak is Mt. Coscusco
- Most of Australia is covered by deserts, the largest is the Gibson Desert
- in south there are a lot of lowlands
    - there are forests of eucalyptus and other ever green trees
- the largest river is the Murray, very important is the Darling
- some rivers dry out because of the deserts and hot weather
- the largest lake is Lake Erie
- very hot climate, when we have summer, they have winter, big problem with ozone hole
- there live many special animals: kangaroo, koala bear, dingo, Tasmanian devil and lizards
- in the east from the Australian Alps lives most people, there is good climate and a lot of rain
- Australia is divided into six states
- the capital is Canberra, the largest city is Sydney
- the currency is Australian Dollar
- the national emblem is Kangaroo
- flag is blue with 6 white stars and small Union Jack
- Australia climbed to prosperity on the back of sheep
    - sheep breeding is very widespread there and main article in export is wool
- very rich mines (gold and diamonds)
    - the original inhabitants are Aborigines
    - Australia was discovered by Captain James Cook
    - it became a British colony and also a prison
    - immigration increased when a gold was found there
    - It became a British dominion
- the real head of state is the Prime Minister, formal head of state is the British Queen

English literature

8th century
The oldest literary monument of English literature is called Beowulf. It was written in the 8th century by an unknown author. It’s the poem abut hero Beowulf.
The king of Denmark Hrothgar built a palace not far from a large lake where lived an ugly monster Grendel. Hrothgar and his warriors gathered in the palace every evening. Grendel did not like their noisy entertainment and got very angry. Every evening he killed thirty warriors and drank their blood. Even the bravest and strongest men could do nothing. Beowulf was the strongest man of the tribe Geats who lived in the southern part of Sweden. He decided to help the Danish king so he sailed to Denmark with fourteen warriors. He fought with Grendel for a long time. Finally blooding Grendel ran back into the lake. The people were singing and laughing again. But at night an ugly witch (Grendel’s mother) killed one man and carried his body away to the lake. Beowulf jumped into the deep water and killed the witch with a magic sword he found in a cave under the level. He became a winner and after Hrothgar’s death he happened to the king.
Geoffrey Chaucer
1340 – 25. 10. 1400, The Canterbury Tales
Geoffrey Chaucer is called the father of English poetry. His masterpiece is The Canterbury Tales. It is a series of poems. It is about 31 people who travel to Canterbury. The pilgrims agree to tell two tails each on their way to Canterbury and second on their way back. But only 23 tales were written and the book stayed unfinished. Among the pilgrims was for example the knight, or the cook. The most interesting part of The Canterbury Tales is the Prologue that gives us a vivid picture of the 14th century society.
John Milton
9. 12. 1608 – 8. 11. 1674, Paradise Lost
John Milton was a leading poet of English Revolution. His masterpiece is called Paradise Lost The main hero is Adam representing humanity as a whole but the most fascinating passages are about the revolt of Satan against Heaven and God. In Satan’s speech God is presented as despotic and unjust. Satan in his discussions with fallen angels supports the principles of independence and freedom.
Jonathan Swift
30. 11. 1667 – 19. 10. 1745, Gulliver’s Travels
Jonathan Swift was sharp satirist and critic of English society His most popular work is called Gulliver’s Travels which consists of four books. In the first part the captain Lemuel Gulliver is shipwrecked and he comes to an island inhabited by Lilliputians. In the second book Gulliver appears in the land of giants. In the third one he visits a flying island and the fourth part describes the country of clever horses (Houyhnhnms). In his three books Swift satire is directed against politics in England, bad politicians, unjust judges, etc. In the last book ho attacks the corruption of the human race in general.
Daniel Defoe
1660 – 24. 4. 1731, Robinson Crusoe
Daniel Defoe was a politician, traveller, and journalist. His most famous work is Robinson Crusoe. The book is written as a real history of Robinson Crusoe who shipwrecked on a lonely island. He is energetic, hardworking, skilful. On the deserted island he creates a miniature civilisation with his own hands.
Robinson Crusoe leaves home as young man. He goes by sea and lives many adventures. Once his ship is shipwrecked and he saves himself alone on a lonely island. There he must live with only a few things he saved from the wreck. He has four friends a dog, two cats and a parrot. He becomes a hunter, a framer, a breeder, a carpenter, a potter, a ship maker, etc. He rescues a savage from cannibals and names him Friday. Finally they return home in an English ship after they conquer rebels from it. The book ends when Robinson is married and old and comes to his island again.
Henry Fielding
22. 4. 1707 – 8. 10. 1754, Tom Jones
Henry Fielding is the greatest novelist of the 18th century and the founder of the modern English novel. His main book is called Tom Jones or History of a Foundling. It is a novel about an adventurous sincere boy who acquires wisdom, happiness and the heart of beautiful Amelia after many misdeeds and criminal offences. The writer depicts England of the 18th century and touches upon spheres of life. We are shown the courts of law, the prison, the church, the homes of the people of all classes and even the theatre.
William Shakespeare
23. 4. 1564 – 23. 4. 1616
Comedies:    The Comedy of Errors, The Taming of the Shrew, A Midsummer-Night’s Dream, As You Like It, Twelfth Night.
Tragedies:    Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, Mac Beth.
Historical plays:    Henry IV, Henry V, Henry VI, Richard II, Richard III, Julius Cesar.
William Shakespeare is the greatest personality of the English renaissance. He is considered to be the greatest dramatist all over the world.
He was born in Stratford-upon-Avon. In 1582 he married Anne Hathaway. She was 8 years older than William and they had two daughters and a son, who died at the age of 11. Little of Shakespeare’s life is known until 1592 when he came to London. In 1599 bought the Globe Theatre. First he helped adapt or rewrite older plays but later he started to write his own plays and he was very successful. Both the Queen Elizabeth I and James I liked him very much. His plays were first published in 1623. After acting and writing and after his son’s death he went back to Stratford and lived a quiet life with his family. He died in the same day as he was born (on the 23rd April). The legend says that he died after a louder and noisier birthday celebration with his friends. He is buried at local Trinity Church.
Marry Shelley - Frankenstein
Mary Shelley wrote Frankenstein in 1818. It is a horror story, which is thought to be the original science fiction novel.
The story is told trough the letters of a man called Walton, an English explorer. We are told of Victor Frankenstein, a student from Geneva, who discovers the secret of life.
So he collects bones and bodies from graveyards, and constructs a creature, which is more monster than man. People are terrified of it because it is so huge and ugly. The poor monster has no friends and feels lonely and depressed, so it asks Frankenstein to make it a wife.
This he refuses to do. Then the monster attacks and kills not only Frankenstein’s friend, but also his brother and his brother’s bride Elizabeth. Frankenstein is heartbroken and is determined to kill the monster. However he is killed first by the monster, which then kills itself.
Frankenstein is a fascinating story because of the character of the monster, which is both sad and frightening at the same time.
Walter Scott (1771-1832)
Sir Walter Scott is a founder of historical novel. He drew the themes for his romantic novels from old folks ballads and medieval romances, especially from Scottish history. His famous novel is for example Ivanhove, which is from the period of Richard the Lionhearted.

George Gordon Byron - Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage
Byron’s main work is Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage. It has many autobiographical features. It is about Child Harold who is tired of life and travels all over Europe and makes comments of the unfairness in life.

Percy Bysshe Shelly – Prometheus Unbound
Percy Bysshe Shelly’s greatest work is Prometheus Unbound based on an old Greek legend about Prometheus, who steals fire from Olympus to give it to people. Shelly’s Prometheus is also chained to a rock, but in the end he is saved and with others fight against the tyrant Zeus (Jave).
Charles Dickens
7. 2. 1812 – 8. 6. 1870

 Sketches by Boz, Pickwick Papers, Nicholas Nickleby, Hard Times, Little Dorrit, David Copperfield, Oliver Twist, Great Expectations, Barnaby Rudge, A Tale of Two Cities, A Christmas Carol
Charles Dickens is the best representative of critical realism in the 19th century. He is one of the greatest English novelists. He was born in Porttea in 1812. He started writing stories when he was a boy at school. After his school he became a newspaper reporter on the Morning Chronicle. He married the daughter of his first publisher. However, after 22 years lasting marriage he shocked the Victorian England by leaving his wife.
Pickwick Papers - comic novel. In his books he describes many kinds of unpleasant people and places – bad schools and schoolmasters. Bad prison in David Copperfield or dirty houses as in Oliver Twist. These characters include thieves, murders, men in debt, stupid and unwashed men and woman, hungry children. In David Copperfield we can find many autobiographical features. Charles Dickens is also author of two historical novels. Their
Oscar Wilde
Oscar Wilde was born in Dublin on October the 16th, 1854. Oscar loved poetry from an early age. He studied at Trinity College, and then at Oxford University, While Oscar was at Oxford, his father died and his mother moved to London. Oscar became well known for his lifestyle and his clever conversation.
In 1888 he published The Happy Prince and Other Tales for children. In 1891 he published A Picture of Dorian Gray, but many English critics said it was immoral. His greatest success came with the performance of his comedies: Lady Windermere’s Fan, A Woman of No Importance, An ideal Husband, and The Importance of Being Earnest. He also wrote a tragedy: Salome, which was made illegal in England of its religious content.
A Picture of Dorian Gray
Painter Basil Hallward makes a great portrait of a rich, young and beautiful man, Dorian Gray. He does not want Dorian to meet Lord Henry Wotton, a friend of Basil, because he has a bad reputation and Basil does not want Dorian to be influenced by him. Basil’s fears are well-founded. Henry and Dorian meet and the young man’s life is changed forever. Dorian’s wish to hide his mind into the portrait come true and his doings are only shown on the portrait.
Because of death of his great love: Sibil Vayne, he became an evil man. He started to hate the portrait and killed Basil Hallward (who painted it). Finally he couldn’t stand things and tried to destroy the portrait, but it only caused his own death.
Rudyarg Kipling
Rudyarg Kipling represents the literature of deed. He wrote many short stories dealing with Judia, the jungle and the sea. His most famous book is The Jungle Book and The Second Jungle Book. The 1st book was awarded the Nobel Price for literature in 1907.
Herbert George Wells
Herbert George Wells is considered the father of science-fiction novel. His famous books are: The War of the Words, The Time Machine, The First Man on the Moon, The Invisible Man. The Books deal with fantastic events.

William Golding - Lord of the Flies

A Nobel Prize winner. Famous for his Lord of the Flies, the story which is set to the future, when an air-crash leaves a group of young boys on an island. First they are happy without their parents and try to form an ideal society, then they form two groups and the end is full of barbarian bestiality.
J.R.R. Tolkien – The Lord of the Rings
The stories based on knowledge of old German and Celtic myths. He created a phantasy world of Middle-Earth where small hobbits seek happiness, goodness and live many adventures.


- situated in the north of the North America, between the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans
- in the north, there is the Arctic Ocean
- the second largest country in the world
- a lot of islands: Baffin Island, Newfoundland…
- it borders only with the USA
- the border with the USA is the longest border in the world
- part of the border with Canada is made by Great Lakes
- largest area of fresh water in the world
    - Lake Superior, Lake Huron, Lake Erie, Lake Ontario
    - Niagara Falls between Lake Erie and Lake Ontario
- other big and beautiful lakes: Great Bear Lake, Great Slave Lake, Lake Winnipeg
- most of the country is a cold tundra with large and beautiful forests
- beautiful untouched nature
- large mountain areas: the Rocky Mountains, the Mackenzie Mountains, the Melville Hills
- the highest mountain is Mt Logan in the Alaska region
- longest river is the Mackenzie, other big are Yukon, the Fraser, the River St. Lawrence
- climate varies from Arctic in the north to moderate climate in the south
- divided into 10 provinces and 2 territories
- the capital is Ottawa, the biggest city is Toronto
- the currency is Canadian Dollar
- the national emblem is maple leaf
    - the original inhabitants are Inuits, came there across the ice from Asia
    - First Europeans there were Vikings
    - Giovani Caboto landed there first, but Jacques Cartier explored the country
    - the country was occupied by French, but France lost this country
- Canada became a British dominion
- the real head of state is the Prime Minister, formal head of state is the British Queen

Entertainment – films, art, music

- Life in the village (opportunities)
- Go to entertain myself in nearest towns (cinemas)
    - Meeting with friends (cinema then pub)
    - Movies choose carefully – expensive
    - Very good film – huge cinema
- Visiting theatres
    - Trip to Prague (National Theatre, Stavovské Theatre)
    - Like comedies and tragedies
    - With school to Klicperovo theatre
- Music
    - Listening often, a lot of stuff different groups
    - Don’t like modern kinds house, techno, commercial music
    - Like pop, rock, relaxing, instrumental. Don’t like Czech music
    - Favourite group – Morcheeba
- Concerts and those kinds of stuff
    - Large concerts I haven’t been I want to
    - Small concerts of local band – rural but brilliant
- Discos and balls
    - Visit them only sometimes
    - Like balls, bad exp with discos
    - Better things to do then visiting discos
- Galleries and so on
    - No opportunities here
    - miss the relationship with


-    everything living on the earth
-    we are surrounded by nature, and also a part of it
-    you see go to the nature – mean somewhere to forest, mountains… simply human untouched place
-    can see there animals plants trees, breath fresh air, listen wind blowing…
-    by the nature we mean nice untouched places
-    people reform the Earth and damage nature
-    pollutions, cutting trees, gases into the air, killing and hunting animals
-    we should think what we are doing
-    use alternative power supplies (sollar, wind, ground, water)
-    better exhaust systems in the cars, less cars and gases
-    try to recover supplies like trees
-    stop killing threatened animals
-    affects air, water, land, forest, people, animals and plants
-    air pollution: indust. prod. Smoke, dust, car exhaust, factories and power stations
-    mixed with water vapour: acid rains – kill trees and plants
-    lungs of our planet
-    carbon dioxide – oxygen
-    rain forests are being destroyed 50% production of oxygen
Greenhouse effects
-    cause climate change, without – no life here, it warms the earth, traps solar radiation
-    prevent heat from escaping
-    manmade atmospheric emissions: rise in Earth’s temperature
-    melting of arctic ice (icebergs), flooding large areas
-    it forms a layer in upper atmosphere - protect life from ultraviolet rays
-    cause skin cancer
-    it is damaged by manmade gases (Freon, or methane)
-    ozone hole

Favourite writer

Karel Čapek (1890 – 1938)
- Czech writer, very famous all over the world
- Was born in Malé Svatoňovice – very near
- studied philosophy in Prague
-  very clever, friend of our president TGM wrote a book: Hovory s TGM
- very sensitive, lived in hard times, very hard for him, couldn’t stand the situation
- tried to warn the world against Nazism, unfortunately unsuccessfully
- was afraid of weapons that could destroy the whole world
- when the Nazis occupied our country, he couldn’t stand things, became very weak and died
RUR – fantastic book about robots, he created this word, nearly all languages use this word
    robot – manmade creature looks like people and is clever
    - about factory producing these robots, robots revolt against people and kill them all, then they can’t produce themselves, need help, in the end they can love – clever life is saved
Bílá nemoc – about white disease that kill people, only Dr. Galen knows the medicine, but heals only poor people, because the wealthy can make the world warless
Válka s mloky – a strong warning against Nazism, salamanders symbols the Nazis, in the war with salamanders people are disunited and are loosing
Krakatit – Dr. Prokop creates a strong bomb and people want to misuse it and he is trying to stop them

Festivals and national holidays

Christmas – 24th December
    - Santa Claus, presents, Christmas tree, sledge with reindeers, Christmas carols, dinner
    - gifts are unwrapped  on the next day
    - I like it, my favourite, a lot of presents – this year – earlier then in hospital, with pain
New Years Eve – 31st December
    - old year leaves and new one comes, drink for the next year – singing and dancing and celebrating
Easter – April
    - symbol of spring and new life, Christ’s death
    - dyed eggs and sweets, in the USA – egg hunt
St. Valentine’s Day – 14th February
- lover’s day, Valentine’s cards – funny to a person of opposite sex, exchange gifts
Halloween – 31st October
    - came from Celts – beginning of winter, witches, goblins and ghosts celebrated their rites
    - children are dressed up into Halloween costumes with masks
    - go to the houses and says “Trick or treat” – sweets, fruit or money
    - trick is pictures on the windows by soap
    - jack-o-lantern – pumpkin with eyes and mouth and candle inside
Guy Fawkes Night – 5th November - GB
    - Guy Fawkes wanted to blow up the Houses of Parliament, was discovered and executed
    - bonfires, fireworks, burning of guys
Thanksgiving – 4th Thursday in November – USA and Canada
    - first celebrated by Pilgrim Fathers on their first harvest
    - now for the all family to be together, dinner – roast turkey
    - day of gods and charity, food for poor people

Great Britain – geography

- The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
- It consists of England, Wales and Northern Ireland in the west and Scotland in the north
- in the north-west of Europe between The Atlantic Ocean and the North Sea
- The Irish Sea between England and Ireland
- The Channel between England and France (inside are the Channel Islands)
- consists of two large islands (Ireland and Great Britain) and about 5000 small ones
- The Shetlands, the Orkneys, the Hebrides, the Isle of Man, Isle of Scily – south most point
- a lot of lowlands – south
- highest mountains are The Highlands of Scotland, highest peak is Ben Nevis
- Cheviot Hills on the border of England and Scotland
- The Cambrians in Wales, the Cumbrian Mountains in the Lake District
- the Thames – through London, the Severn – the longest, through the Bristol Bay
- the Clyde in Scotland – through Glasgow
- The Lake District National Park – very famous for tourists for its lakes and mountains
- Very famous lakes in Scotland – Loch Lomond – the largest
    Loch Ness
– most famous for its creature
- there is Stonehenge (giant stone circles) in Salisbury Plain
- The capital is London and it is also the largest city
- the capital of Wales is Cardiff
- the capital of Scotland is Edinburgh, the largest is Glasgow
- the capital of Northern Ireland is Belfast
- Cities: Oxford and Cambridge, Stratford upon Avon, Canterbury, York
-  a lot of ports: Dover, Bristol, Plymouth, Portsmouth
- GB is constitutional monarchy – the formal head of state is British Queen
    - the real head of state is Prime minister
- the currency is pound
- the flag is called Union Jack

Holidays and travel

- Holidays have landed – there are more than 2 months full of free time
- We don’t want to stay at home, we must travel – anywhere and anyhow
- We go on foot (short distances), by bike, by car, by bus, by train, by plane…
- Travelling takes up a lot of time in our lives and a lot of money
- So just imagine having a lot of money and travel for ex. to the USA for our holidays
- pack everything, go by bus or by car to Prague, to the airport – first time so full of fear and thrill, looking for the entrance way, then board a plane then it takes of. You are very high, see the clouds from window, drink spirits and travel in comfort
- after a few hours it lands in the USA, we travel by a cab to the station – a big building full of shops and ticket offices, a lot of people, very busy and noisy we must buy our tickets and find a right platform. Then enter the train and go to the nature a conductor will check our tickets. We can have a chat, look out from the window or just sleep. I like trains, moving on tracks, its sound is calming, you can walk, look out from the window, there is a lot of space, it stops only in stations…
- so we are there, now we must go on foot some km to our camp with our luggage on our back or in our hand
- there we borrow bikes and go to the nature. There are cycle tracks and we use them
- we borrow a car and go further, where we park it and continue by foot up to the hills and mountains, visiting places of interests and so on
- we go to the sea and there we board a ship and sail somewhere to the sea and then back just to know what it is like to sail in the sea
- after a few weeks we don’t have any money, we don’t want to go home yet so we go hitchhiking around the USA – just stop next to the road and wave to the cars to bring us somewhere, anywhere, we try to work for a while somewhere, sometimes go by bus for a while and when it’s all enough for us, we board a plane and fly home
- full of new experiences and impressions
- we visited a lot of places, saw a lot – everything in our memories and photos, we had taken
- it was very tough and tiring so all of us look forward having a great and long rest


- capital of GB, very large city
- population about 10 million
- situated on the river Thames in south east of England. Founded by Romans
- 1666 nearly all the city destroyed by the great fire
- famous for its transports
    - double-deckers – red buses there
    - oldest underground in the world and one of the largest
    - black taxis
    - three airports (Heathrow and Gatwick)
- Places of Interest:
    The Houses of Parliament with Big Ben – clock tower
    -     the seat of parliament
    Westminster Abbey – kings and queens are crowned here
-    poet’s corner – there are buried poets
-    royal wedding and ceremonies take place here
St. Pauls Cathedral – one of the largest
-    in WW2 badly damaged by bombs
-    around is The City – the oldest part of London – banks
The Tower – was a prison and now it is a museum
-    The Crown Jewels are there guarded by befeaters
Tower Bridge – famous symbol of London
-    two towers on both sides there is a museum
-    it opens in the middle to let the large ships move through
Trafalgar Square – named after the Battle of Trafalgar (defeat of Napoleon)
-    largest square in London
-    Nelson’s Columb surrounded by four lions
-    some fountains, famous for meetings and demonstrations
-    there is National Gallery
Piccadilly Circus – small and busy square
-    statue of Eros, meeting place in London
The British Museum – the largest in the world
-    all kinds of old things there
-    British Museum Library – the largest in the world
Buckingham Palace – Queen’s residence in London
Hyde Park – largest park in London
    - speakers corner, where anybody can have a spech

My family and friends

- live in a village with my family – father, mother, brother and pets
- brother is at home only in weekends – University in Prague – colleague
- Mother and father
    - the same age 45 years old
    - work here in Krpa – factory that makes paper
    - father works with computers and mother is an economist there
    - they’ve lived together for22 years and are still happy
- lived here all of his life, very bound to this place, very clever and qualified
- tall and slim, black hair, brown eyes, like sport, happy
- very similar hobbies to me, good relationship with him – like my friend
- typical woman, not a modal, but also isn’t ugly, dark quite long hair, black eyes
- very clever, likes comfort and peace
- like visiting her friends, isn’t bound to any sport
- not a lot of hobbies, she likes reading a lot
- I think good mother, very skilled I can depend on her very much
- two years older – when we were young we fought and argued a lot
- very good friend now I hope that we will keep in touch more in future than our dad now
- very clever – studying Matfyz in Prague
- my big brother with long hair and able to help me anytime I want
- I like him we talk a lot about anything he is good
- two cats and one dog – part of our family – more – names, their relationship
- now we have three kittens – very small and nice
- live in village so only one boy of my age
- very good friend during all of my life
- younger but not a lot, I effect him in hobbies, he bought a bike, so this summer we will cycle a lot I look forward it’ll be great
- visit commercial school in Trutnov, doesn’t know what next
- hope to be friends forever

My hobbies

My daily routine
- get up at 6:30, have a breakfast, wash go to catch a bus (sometimes I must hitchhike) a bike
- school we have about 6 lessons a day, I like English, Maths and German – nice teacher
- after school I must wait for a bus – playing some games or go to the pub,
- I don’t have to do much work at home so I have a lot of free time
    - often have a rest, relax or doing some hobbies, visiting friends
    - I had to study for final exam very much lately
- in the evening I sometimes watch TV, do something with computer, learning for school, reading books, listening music…
- go to bed from 10 to 12:30 p.m.
My hobbies
- activities based on our own interests
- we want to do them, spending free time, enjoy them
- like sports very much mostly active, watch in TV only seldom
    - I like outdoors sports the best
- winter: I like skiing cross country (with my father – every saturday) and downhill – here or in Krkonoše and skating, this winter broken arm so maybe next winter
    - there is a ski-lift just round the corner of my house
- summer: hiking and cycling – my favourite, mountain-bike cycling the most
    - with my father or my friends to the Giant Mountains or somewhere, was in France
- indoors I like table tennis and tried to visit a karate lessons, arm – I stopped
    - because of the arm I go three times a week to the swimming pool
    - looking forward to play volleyball or basketball again
- computer: I like, playing games, studying with, writing, watching movies, internet

New Zealand

- situated on the South Hemisphere between the Pacific Ocean and Indian Ocean
- on west there is the Tasmanian Sea (It’s between Australia and New Zealand)
- it consists of two islands – North and South Island, between them is the Cook’s Channel
- both islands are mostly hilly and mountainous
- highest mountains are on South Island – Southern Alps, highest peak is Mt. Cook
- there are fertile plains on the east coast
- there are some volcanoes on the North Island and Icebergs on the South Island
- there are two largest rivers (The Wailato), both on North Island
- the largest lake is Taubo
- very pleasant climate – a lot of sunshine and rain, summers are warm, winters are mild
- there live some special animals – some kinds of lizards and reptiles
- the capital is Welington
- the currency is New Zealand Dollar
- national economy is sheep breeding
    - there are more sheep than men
    - export wool, mutton and lamb
    - First inhabitants were the Maoris, came from Polynesia
    - First European was Abel Tasman, Maoris refused him to land
    - Captain James Cook explored the country
    - It became a British colony and now it’s a British dominion
- the real head of state is the Prime Minister, formal head of state is the British Queen

William Shakespeare

- considered to be the greatest of all dramatics all over the world
- born in Stratford upon Avon
- son of glove maker
- had one sister and one brother
- married Anne Hathaway – 8 years older
- two daughters and one son (twin) Hamnet, died at the age of 11
- came to London and joined the group of actors
- bought the Globe theatre – outdoor and actors played in the open air
    - was destroyed by fire
- first helped to adapt or re-write old plays, then his own, very successful
- Queen Elisabeth I and King James I liked him
- after his son’s death returned to Stratford, lived quiet life
- became a wealthy man and bought new fine house
- died on the same day as he was born after noisy celebration
- buried at local Trinity Church
- only two authentic portraits
- there is the Shakespeare Memorial Theatre in Stratford and only his plays are played
Comedies: The Comedy of Errors, The Taming of the Shrew, A Midsummer-Night’s Dream, As You Like It, The Merchant of Venice
Historical Plays: Henry IV, V, VI, Richard II, III, Julius Caesar
Tragedies: Romeo and Juliet, Macbeth, Hamlet, King Lear, Othello

Shopping, food and clothes

- shopping – just buying something, anything, very important in our world
- we make money in work and then spend it in shops, without money – no shopping
- in the olden days, there was no money, no shopping, people only exchanged their goods
- there are a lot of kinds of shops – food stores or groceries, butcheries, bakeries, drugstores, stationeries, music shops, bookstores, toyshops, sexshops…
- shopping in my life: takes a lot of time
- I buy mostly food and clothes
- both my parents work, brother out, so I must often buy food for dinner and breakfast
    - must make decision what to eat
    - there is a small grocery in our village – small selection, but fresh food round the corner
    - must count the exact number of rolls (don’t like waste of food)
    - very often half loaf of bread and some cheese or sausage, I like ham and bacon the best
    - sometimes I forget - eat all the remains, or do something of flour like pancakes
    - for breakfast I’m able to bake a ginger-bread – really good at it – I always do it for a visit
- my parents or me if they give me a list do a big shopping sometimes
    - we take a car and go to the city to the supermarket
    - there is everything: food, clothes, electronics, things for cars, for animals – anything
    - the goods there are very often cheaper than in a small shops, but less choice than in specialized little shops
    - we buy things with long expiry date – milk, sweets, mineral waters, spirits, eggs, pet-food, anything frozen, tins with anything and so on
- I don’t like buying so I don’t buy clothes very often
- I like advertising clothes – free, no troubles with choosing it, sometimes nice
    - my dad sometimes give me what he gets in his work
    - I very often buy them when I’m in a city waiting for a bus and having nothing to do, or if I really need some
    - Very important for me is the price – I don’t like stall-keepers with their low prices
    - I don’t buy expensive clothes but sometimes if I like something I go and buy it no matter about the cost
    - very hard for me to choose what to take, many goods to look at and many shops to visit
    - quality very important, very difficult do recognize the quality before I buy it
- I don’t like shopping – takes a lot of time, man must thing what to choose
- it’s an activity that we must do, we must queue, pay and, sometimes visit a lot of shops until we find the one where they have what we want, I hate to go to the shop and find that it’s closed…

Sports and games

- popular leisure time activities – keep fit, relaxation, refreshment, loose weight, improve strength and skills
- bring people together, make winners and losers
- two ways how to enjoy sport
- active – you are a player and play it- passive – you only watch it, know the information, fan of one club or player, very often bound with pool
- indoor and outdoor
- there is no sport I do to be first or something like that I do it because I want to do something to move to laugh to meet people to relax…
Indoor – I don’t like it very much I only watch it in TV and only seldom, so passive
Basketball – I used to play it
- two teams, playing with ball and trying to get it into a basket
- don’t play it now, our group split up
- also two teams there is a net in the centre of a playground
- it’s also with a ball but smaller and lighter, man must only touch the ball not catch and the purpose is to make a ball hit the ground of the opposite half of playground
- very funny and I like playing it
Karate – I visited a few lessons, then I broke my arm and stopped. Maybe I’ll start again sometimes, I liked it, it was very tough but relaxing just to hit something…
- I like table tennis
Outdoor – I like it more
- man see more, isn’t closed somewhere inside a hall, is closer to the nature
- For a lot of people here in the CR is football number one – active and passive as well
- I don’t like football – it’s too popular and there are people who are mad about it, they know everything, are fans of one club – the best one of course, they watch the match, doing mess and shout on the referee or players – no thank you
- winter: I like skiing cross country (with my father – every saturday) and downhill – here or in Krkonoše and skating, this winter broken arm so maybe next winter
- there is a ski-lift just round the corner of my house
- summer: cycling – my favourite, mountain-bike cycling the most
- with my father or my friends to the Giant Mountains or somewhere, was in France
- have petang balls – its quite good but haven’t found a good place for it

The Czech Republic

-    inland country - situated in the centre of Europe – the heart of Europe
-    capital Prague – in the centre – the inner heart of Europe

-    4 neighbours – Poland (north), Germany (west), Austria (south), Slovak Rep. (east)
-    borders formed by nature – ring of mountains
-    Krkonoše mt. Krušné mt. Šumava. Beskydy Jeseníky Orlické mt.
-    highest peak Sněžka 1602 m. high.
-    3 biggest rivers: the Labe, the Vltava, the Odra
-    a lot of dams, on the Vltava large dam system: Lipno, Orlík, Slapy
-    big rivers surrounded by fertile lowlands – the best and largest agricultural areas
-    ponds system in the south, the biggest pond is Rožumberk
-    a lot of natural beauties: mountains, Czech Paradise, rocks in Prachov or Adršpach, Boubín Forest, Macocha Abbys etc.
-    other beauties: a lot of old castles (Karlštejn, Kost – unconquered, Křivoklát, Trosky) historical towns (Český Krumlov, Prague)
-    a lot of spas with its healing springs: most famous: Karlovy Vary, Mariánské, Jánské, Františkovy spas – old tradition
-    History: very rich and tough. The first state – Samo’s Empire, then well known Great Moravian Empire, then the Czech state arose. Most famous is the period during the ruling of Charles IV – Czech state became the centre of Europe, Charles bridge, Charles university, St. Vitus Cathedral. Very strong Hussite rebellion. Long time the part of Austrian Empire. The Czechoslovak Rep. founded after the WW1. After WW2 part of Eastern Europe with communistic rule. In 1989 The Velvet revolution. 1991 Czechoslovak Rep. spitted up and the Czech Rep. was formed.
-    10 millions inhabitants, two biggest cities: Prague (1 mill) and Brno
-    currency: Czech Crown, our flag consists of 3 colours: blue, white and red
-    capital city
-    through the Prague flows the Vltava
-    the seat of our president, government and parliament. Business and financial centre
-    monuments: Hradčany with Prague Castle(residence of our kings, now of our presidnet), Charles Bridge, Old Town Square, Wenceslav Square, St. Vitus Cathedral, National and Stavovské Theatre
-    lovely and beautiful city, maybe the most beautiful city in the Europe

The European Union

- it’s based on the rule of law and democracy, it ensures freedom, security and justice
- the union of democratic states in Europe, principles of freedom and human rights
- members cooperate policy, economy, science, security and other affairs – very profitable
- its goal is to provide peace and safety on the continent so damaged after WWII
- it should provide friendship between the European nations
- economical goal is to provide integrated market and currency
- there is collective social policy, environmental protection
- fast progress of undeveloped regions to reach collective economic level quickly
- jointing of national economics should solve economical problems
- its main goal is to provide continual development
- its flag, symbol, currency, hymn and languages
- thoughts of united Europe began after WWI
- after WWII European countries didn’t want political union, so they started in economy
- European Economic Community (EEC) was founded – its goal was to coordinate help according to the Marshall plan
- European Coal and Steel Community – 1952 – it kept an eye on coal and steal industry in some European countries (France, Germany, Italy, Benelux)
- these six countries were the first members of  first European federation
- then there were four extending waves
    - 1973 – Denmark, the UK and Ireland
    - 1981 – Greece
    - 1986 – Spain and Portugal
    - 1995 – Austria, Finland and Sweden
- it has 15 members and it’s ready for the accession of 13 eastern and southern European c.
- the 5th wave will be soon this year (CR, Slovakai, Poland, Hungary, Estonia, Latvia, Bulgaria, Cyprus… )
- for accession of new members is required public referendum – in the CR will be soon

The place where I live

- village Dolní Kalná – small, about 500 inhabitants, surrounded by Hostinné, Vrchlabí and Nová Paka, about 10 km far from Hostinné - school
- in Královéhradecký region, close border with Liberecký region
- very close to the Giant Mountains, good opportunities for tourism, hiking, biking, skiing
- it’s calm and friendly not so far from the civilization
- everybody knows each-other, no secret or privacy
- not a lot of young people, only little friends, some from other villages or towns
- very little cultural life – some discos or local celebrations, don’t like it
- in summer football matches
- one brook called Kalenka, lovely swimming pool, visited by people from towns
- one school for local children only to 5th class
- there is one factory, foreign capital, driving wheels for cars, airbags
- about 5 shops with different goods, bad choice, not for big shopping
- 2 pubs, 1 is for local alcoholics with cheap beer and no food, 2nd on the road for everybody who stops and wants to eat or drink
- typical rural cow house, far from our house
- some little workshops mostly carpenter’s, one workshop, where a little statues are made
- I live with my family in our house
- near the house there is an old garage
- good place, very close to the local shop, bus stop, ski lift and nature
- big garden with trees and little field – for onion and some flowers, hate work there
- plant mostly apple trees, doing our own cider
- lovely countryside – mostly hilly covered by forests, fields or meadows
- it was chosen for water dam, there wasn’t enough money to build it
Hostinné – antique gallery with statues, school – modern and new
Vrchlabí – Krkonošské museum, ski centre

U.S. History

- discovered by Vikings  around the year 1000
- original inhabitants are Indians
- 1492 discovered by Christopher Columbus (Italian sailing under Spanish queen)
- 16th century first English colony Virginia – unsuccessful
- James’s Town – first successful colony – permanent settlement
- second successful settlement was Plymouth – established by Pilgrim Fathers – English puritans, their ship called Mayflower, they wanted religious independence
    Indians helped them survive the winter – Thanksgiving Day
- there was established 13 colonies under British rule, slaves were brought there from Africa
- 18th century – Boston Tea Party – protest against high taxes, first open act against Britain
- Declaration of Independence was adopted – born of the USA
- George Washington became a leader of continental army
- The War of Independence, Americans won and Britain recognized the USA
- New constitution was adopted
- 19th century – Civil War between slavery south and industrial north
- Started when Abraham Lincoln was elected President
- Emancipation Proclamation – freedom for all slaves
- General Grant (north) defeated the Southern Army (general Lee)
- slavery was cancelled, the USA remained a single nation, very bloody war
- the USA became the leading industrial power
- 1917 entered the WW1 – helped France and England against Germany
- after WW1 – the richest country in the world
- The Great Crash on Wall Street
- Great Depression and unemployment
- 1941 entered the WW2 – after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour
- dropped atomic bombs on Nagasaki and Hiroshima
- Cold War period between the USA and Soviet Union  
- space race, the first man on the moon – Neil Armstrong
- Korean War
- Vietnam War

The USA – geography

- situated between the Pacific and Atlantic oceans, in the south of North America
- Its neighbours – Canada on north and Mexico on south
- the Great Plains (south-east) – between the Rocky Mountains and the Apalatians (east)
- The Rocky Mountains and Sierra Nevada are on west
- highest mountains are in Alaska, the highest peak is Mt. Mc. Kinley
- the largest rivers are the Mississippi and Missouri – third longest river system in the world
- the Colorado is on west – the brown riwer
- the Rio Grande in between Mexico and the USA
- the border with Canada is the longest border in the world
- part of the border with Canada is made by Great Lakes
- largest area of fresh water in the world
- Lake Superior, Lake Huron, Lake Erie, Lake Ontario
- Niagara Falls between Lake Erie and Lake Ontario
- Lake Michigan is only in the USA, another lake in the USA is Salt Lake
- very big country, big variations in climate
- temperatures change from arctic cold in Alaska to subtropical in warmth in Hawaii
- the USA are divided into 7 territories and 50 states
- the capital is Washington, the largest city is New York
- there live about 250 mil people of all possible origins and races
- very rich and industrial country
- the currency is the US dollar
- the flag consists of the Union Jack and 50 small white stars symbolizing the states
National Parks
    Yellowstone N.P. – the most famous
    - there lives the biggest group of buffalos – about 400 ones
    - a lot of Geysers, Upper fall and Lower fall, hot springs and hot lakes
 Yosemite N.P.
    - a lot of waterfalls
    - El Capitan, climbing center
 Sequoia N.P.
    - Sequoias – oldest growing organisms in the world
    - about 90m long
 Grand Canyon N.P.
    - the longest and deepest canyon in the world, the Colorado river inside

Weather, seasons, climate

- Czech Rep. – moderate climate
- four seasons – spring, summer, autumn and winter, each lasts about 3 months
- seasons are balanced, winters aren’t much cold and summers are beautiful not too hot
- spring and summer are considered to be the most beautiful
- nature begins to awake, it is getting warmer and warmer and soon the smoke from chimneys stops to rise, first flowers appear, it comes earlier to the lowlands than to the hills, a lot of water from melting snow, very often floods
 - birds sing again, flowers, grass and trees begin to be green and healthy again,
- in April very unpredictable weather, sunshine becomes into snowing very fast
- summer – it’s often very hot days, the grass is green, there are leafs on trees and shadows under them, flowers can be seen everywhere and all kinds of insect too, water is good for swimming and the swimming pools are overcrowded
- there can be storms, sometimes very tough with heavy rain, flashes of lightings and thunders, when it dies out, there can appear a rainbow
 - it’s the time for gathering some fruits like strawberries or raspberries
- autumn – days get shorter, nice weather breaks, sometimes there is a nice day, it’s time to harvest in the gardens or fields, grass turns yellow and gets dry, the leaves turn into fantastic colours and fall down, we can go mushrooming, birds set out on the journeys to the south
- weather is often very bad, the sky is cloudy, sometimes it’s chilly and it may drizzle, people very often don’t like it, it’s awful
- cold wind blows often the temperatures go low and sometimes it may snow
- winter – hard frost, snow and icy wind, we can enjoy skiing in the mountains and hills covered by snow, winter pleasures for children, lakes, ponds and rivers are covered by ice and we must cut a holes to let fish breathe, roads become icy and slippery and have to be cleared from the snow, we must wear warm clothes, caps and gloves
- nowadays we miss real winter more and more, sometimes there is only little of snow
- finally springs come, the snow melts and everything becomes covered with mud and water
- weather is for us very important, it’s still changing, and according to the weather we choose our clothes, affects our moods, work and activities outside
- can be danger, if change too quick, we can die of cold, or be blasted by a flesh, or get sunburnt by a sun

The young generation

- our special world – another needs, priorities and duties
- live for music, discos, parties, love, friends, drugs, no matter about anything else
- friends, freedom, nice clothes, friends, looking smart
- not pay bills, not go to work, enjoy life without concerns
- parents and old people we don’t want to obey, school and future why?
- generation gap – they don’t understand me, hey mother, father, teacher listen to me
    - I’m not less then you, look at you, you old ugly duck
    - adult leave me alone I don’t need your care, just give some money and go away
    - I have my own world you can even imagine or understand
Drugs, spirits, tobacco… – our big problems
    - learn how to use them, face them, thing about them, make our opinion about
    - very danger, very simply make mistake – big mistake that costs our life
    - every help, information or discussion can’t avoid us to tray it, it only helps
    - our curiosity is invincible, everyone must face it on his own
- we learn about everything, about living in this world – very hard
- our ideals disappear very fast
- we must fight our way into society
Little problems
- friends – who is and who isn’t, closest people in our world
    - it’s easier with more people than alone, we need to share our problems
    - we argue, change opinions and experiences and we betray ourselves
- love – we need to share our feelings, trying to find the best girl in the world
    - we need to love and to be loved
    - it hurts to lose someone to be alone again
    - why doesn’t she listen to me and who is that guy next to her
- problems with dressing, with our visage, feelings, school, teachers…